Friday, April 9, 2010

Scarlet and the White Wolf Trilogy by Kirby Crow

I am sick. It came rather suddenly and my body is exhausted from battling whatever evil little virus that got a hold of me. Of course this did not stop me from reading. I downloaded the Scarlet and the White Wolf trilogy by Kirby Crow on to my nook and spent the past two days devouring this series while hopped up on medication.

After my last post about how terrible the writing is for independent gay romances, I finally lucked out with Kirby Crow. 

Scarlet is a pedlar, someone who travels all over the region selling small necessities to isolated farming communities. Liall is a gypsy king guarding a pass that Scarlet needs to access to reach another part of the region to sell his wares. Their interactions are priceless and when they eventually fall in love, it's sweet and painful - mostly because they both have so many issues.

The writing is pretty good and the world building is adequate. Crow spins a rather interesting history for Scarlet and Liall's people but it could have been fleshed out even more. Most of the explanations happen at the end of the trilogy - this is due to the fact that Scarlet and Liall spend almost all three books keeping secrets from each other.

Amusing and romantic, I truly enjoyed this trilogy and was disappointed when it ended - if only because I wanted more. I definitely look forward to reading more from Crow.

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