Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Addicted to

I find myself visiting every time I come online. Why? Because I like to look at my Wishlist and see all the books that I want to buy and will eventually get around to it when I have the money.

It's terrible.

I have this itch to buy books ALL THE TIME. There's always a book out there that I want to buy or I look for a book to buy. It can be a bargain book found at Borders or it's a book that catches my eye on the shelves. It doesn't matter as long as it's a book.

I really think I am addicted to books and book buying. Going to the library and checking out books no longer satisfies my desire to get my hands on books. I have to own them. I really can't help but buy books. It's totally impulsive. I'll just be sitting at my desk, surfing the Web when I get slammed with an urge to buy books. The next thing I know I'm on adding books to my shopping cart.

How do I break this addiction??

...Do I want to break this addiction?


  1. Oooh, how about book hunting in a second hand book store? They have out of print books sometimes but it requires a relentless search XD (plus less $)

  2. ah, I forgot to add in and also carry rare books.

  3. I adore Alibris. I actually had to stop myself from buying books from there because they were piling up waaay too quickly in my room haha I would buy something like 25 books at a time because it's so cheap.

    I love used bookstores and actually have a favorite one in my area. Have you been to The Book Rack in Arcadia? A great place to buy popular fiction.
